Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Morning Waiters

Gap upon gap
in your moves and your head
Then so very glad
to see the day at your bed
And to know that it's over
that dreamless unrest


A repetitive dream again.
The part where folks are invited into a huge, dark (or maybe for the outsiders it's invisible) room or ship. From which they'd simply disappear. Is that teleporting them or a physical gateway through a cave?
The next picture - We (who didn't get in?) are riding on a bus, and feeling a strong connection with each other. All in silence, as if we knew what we're thinking anyhow.
Before that, it seemed like, while waiting at a terminal, found and took others' shoes (or maybe boots - wintertime?) because I'd lost mine, or others had taken them.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Switched off

Sitting in a lobby. Anywhere.
Waiting for something. Anything.
Surrounded by some folks. Anyone.
What's the difference between the unimportance of any of that in a dream and in reality?
What really matters is what's happening.

Someone asks someone else to say something.
For some reason I feel he (the one who should answer) is an important person.
What's even more important is what I see.
The one who's talked to him grows one pupil to fill his whole eye socket.
The one closer to the one he's asked to talk.
It's not a clear thought, rather a vague but then a nearly shocking discovery.
This means he can force the other one to talk by controlling his mind.

As soon as this hits me,
and right then there might have been a rush of sudden whispering heard all over the place,
someone I can't even catch with my eyes,
comes over to me in the blink of an eye, leans to my face,
and more than telling me something, he makes me understand his message without words.

And I'm off, and wide awake once more with all the pictures clear in my mind.