Wednesday, July 20, 2016

just a short update on the garbage piles on the corridor story

A couple of weeks back we received a newsletter from the representative of the house that says it is dangerous and forbidden to keep garbage in the common areas.
Now the caretaker who collects trash from the whole block in front of their door she's in constant contact with the representative, you understand? I don't...

It reminds me of this Twilight Zone story where the examination for the pupils found to be too intelligent also means execution... And honestly to me it doesn't even sound scary, but only a natural consequence of our so-called (d)evolution.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Are you crazy?

No, this is not about Mr. Newton, neither has anything to do with the lamentation on who can be actually considered as such in Delany's book Dhalgren.

I saw a movie last night where a woman and a man lay in bed still wearing their clothes, and the woman asks the man whether he's ever been in love before. When he says no, the woman asks if he's gay.

I could ask you if this was a cliché, because I don't want to sound serious and ask if this would be the only explanation for not being in love... So, this was a comedy, but still my question is to them who made it: Are you crazy?

Friday, July 15, 2016

Look at June, look at July

Have you noticed the berries
they fall in a pattern,
Like toys for the fairies
it couldn't be better

So you don't step on them
if you take up a pace,
Suppose there are berries
where you go, in that place

But the bark torn off trees
by the rain and the wind,
Cracks under your feet
in a rhythm to win

So you refill your bottle
from a spring on the road,
And while chasing a shuttle
try your life to re-load

Thursday, July 14, 2016

After the rain

When I saw the light
of that lamp post blinking,
After this restless night
it made me thinking

I feel like that often
showing, then hiding,
So my heart can soften -
a chance for surviving

Like that light hides behind
the leaves of a tree moving,
Or I'd rather be tree to find
certainty in all things

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

This morning

In this dream that I had
I was holding someone's hand,
So that I could stand
on a train, bus or a tram

And he didn't mind at all
he held mine tight and stood tall,
And there were others hanging on
how many lives we can support

I remember how grateful I felt
for that helping hand that I held,
Of the others I didn't feel blue
and when I woke up, I knew it was you

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

the time of your life

It's a bit hard to believe that Bowie only covered his eyes (at least on his physical body) in his last two video clips, because he didn't want to see death coming for him. In Lazarus he even said that he'd be free like that bluebird. So why would he not look forward to it?

I believe, it was all the things around him, and around all of us, that he closed his eyes on. Instead he was focusing on what was coming. And I don't mean all his death wish, and the end of the world kind of lyrics from before, at all.

That makes me remember again that night when I woke up as a child, and suddenly I was thinking that one day I shall die, and there's nothing I can do about it. And I was just sitting in my bed, in the dark, wondering about the meaning of it all. Is there a meaning to it, after all?

Monday, July 11, 2016

from "A Year with swollen appendices" by Brian Eno

the audio file
It's an unusual day
Sometimes it's winter and sometimes it's summer
There are crocuses

Even within half an hour the seasons change and change about
(?) storks and the pom-pom trees
There are crocuses
They are early
This is confusing for dogs

Between yellowing trees big gulls slide down the bright air
Shadowed by newspapers and peeling among dry leaves
Blank words tumble out of context
...  ...

No account
All others
They are early
All the energy

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Bellona, the recombinant city or... it your mind being constantly re-arranged by your ever changing environment? Just like one of my fav quotes says 'It is not that I have no past. Rather, it continually fragments on the terrible and vivid ephemera of now.'

I've started again this 800-page sci-fi book, Dhalgren written by Samuel R. Delany. It's been years since I last read it, and I remember I found it both difficult and awesome at the same time. Anyhow, I love it to bits and pieces. Here's some more of what makes feel like that:

'Western independence? He had hitched this sector of country enough to decide it was all manic terror.'
'All you know I know: careening astronauts and bank clerks glancing at the clock before lunch... how coffee tastes after you've hold it in your mouth, cold, a whole minute.'

By the way, the book stood behind some others on a shelf, and I 'by coincidence' found it there, after I'd read a story from Neil Gaiman about a man lost in the city's dream he's been living in, and when finally having found a chance to escape back to reality (?) he flees to a faraway place, terrified by the thought what if the cities wake up one day.

Monday, July 4, 2016

sunglasses at dawn

When you take a ride
on the early train,
You can try to hide
from the bright sunray

But if you close your eyes
there's a caleidoscope,
Of colours and lights
like your dreams untold

They change as fast
as the weather last night,
There's nothing to last
so you better don't fight

Just lean back and watch
how life itself's moving,
Then reach out and touch
the whole world's a movie

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Ambjørsen on dreams

It was very interesting to read about dream sequences from one of my favorite Norwegian authors, right after I'd started to get back to this topic here. Another so-called synchronicity, isn't it?

In one of his short stories the protagonist visits his hometown after many years. This makes him realize that in most of his dreams he has been doing so for a long while. But not in the first years after having moved to another place.

However as he got older, he experienced such memories to come back from his childhood nearly every night. Not only about places, but people he grew up, and went to school with. And so came back the feelings he had towards them, mixed with his everyday life experiences and feelings.

And so he wonders, if he plays a role in their dreamlife. Has he done or said anything that makes them think about him? Though they no longer know each other.

This brought up a lot of memories in me. And though it worked out for me in a different way, but the sequences, it's something really interesting, and the reason behind it all. Are you so busy in a new life that you don't have time for memories, not even in your dreams? Or you simply don't need them, or rather you don't think you do?