Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Ghost in the machine

You can't use the living to support machinery,
because one's organic, and the other's mechanic
And this latter's incapable of change and interaction,
so the idea's dead before it becomes an action.

(Everything that happens in machines is done by us.)

Spider and I

Would it be easier to live as a small spider?
Someone steps on you and you die right there
And as a human, you think you live forever?
Someone else decides so, and you leave for the better

Saturday, August 27, 2016

If language were liquid

Look behind language, and see it as a tool
what is then grammar? we use it as a rule
Literature tells us about all that's going on
and what is a poem, if not a written song?

In each and every song history, culture, and dance,
a single rhythm we nurture, a mistery full of trance
It's the music of life that we shared a million years,
cave paintings to writing heard as syllables in ears

Friday, August 26, 2016

what's wrong with them?

I don't know if you've ever bought food at such fast food places where you come out of the subway. I've done it regularly for a while, but stopped as the quality is really junk, and mostly I didn't feel like going back to experience such a fantastic nice hospitality. But this week, instead of making sandwiches or something else at home for next morning, I've often stopped by again at one or another of these on my way to work.

Well, I have to say that the level of service is just as shitty as the food they're selling. In a supermarket when I went to pay at the cashier, not that they didn't say hello, but didn't even look at me, just went on talking to each other. At another place they served someone else first, who jumped in front of me in the queue, and started to say "two cups with sugar". I continued to say "and me, I'll have one with milk, no sugar, please", but the bugger got his first, anyhow.

And this morning the brickhead whom I actually did greet, just kept on repeating Good morning, instead of giving me what I asked for, while staring at me angrily. Anyhow, I just finished to list what I wanted, and when she quipped a "no coffee" for my request, obviously now having completely lost any hope that she can squeeze another good morning out of me, I just confirmed that yes, I had said that if she'd only listened.

I also made other not so nice remarks, sometimes in their faces, or like they, pretending that I was not around, just into the air, which I wouldn't quote here, as they only served to let out my slight frustration over such a zilch serving, and that with an experience of customer service over a decade or two.

But honestly what I hate most is that they see someone like me, and - I know that most of them - take me for an easy target by sight, and they get even embarrased when I open my mouth back at them. What I just don't see is why it's easier to be an asshole with someone who didn't even hurt you, and you get paid to work there, and he just asked for something you are supposed to sell.

Now I put my question in the title in a slightly different way: what's not wrong with them? They've been brought up like that, to become a backboneless, shitty twit who tries to give out their frustration on the first person they think with their tiny little brain will take it without a word. Well, my humble opinion, like I also explained that to the above mentioned lady is that they shouldn't work at such a place, if they can't even adjust themselves to the basic requirements of social life.

And I just add it here that I don't agree with that so-called social life at all, as I think it's all mere pretence, if it doesn't come naturally. But if I hold myself to its made up norms then I'd except the others to do so, too. Well, that's all folks, and you have a lovely weekend.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

chance meeting with a nationalist

A few days ago I noticed a guy with a white rat on his arm from the tram. I saw the man sitting next to me laughing, and since I felt the same way, I reacted similarly. But then, to my surprise, he started a rather long monologue about those silly folk who spread disease with such animals which was so typical exactly here, and he would really do something against it. For which I said I saw someone with a rat like that in Berlin back about twenty years ago, and they meant no harm. Actually, I visited a colleague just a few days ago, whose daughter kept a white rat as a pet.

But as they say in one of my favorite books "Resistance is useless", and he went on with how the rats traveling onboard sailboats carried the pest, and all that horror to other worlds. Right after that he started to lament about those immigrants who set fire to Catholic churches, and somehow ended up with black people marrying our women, also pointing out because womenfolk have more choice?...

And then he mentioned that he's been to Cuba, and how you have to go and drop your shit behind the house, and that they walk the streets in trash up to their knees... which is a bit hard for me to believe. Anyhow, I pointed out that right there where we were traveling in the inner city there was a lot of trash and even shit dropped.

However he really wanted to prove his point and said those folks don't even see a doctor, and then come here as migrants, and spread all possible plagues. For which I really had to answer that even though I pay social security, my personal experiences with the so-called professional health workers left more serious consequences behind than my original problems I'd visited them in hope to receive help.

I also tried to explain to him that minorities who are descendants of people who were forced to leave their homes and serve as slaves in countries like France, or in the colonies what their countries were diminished to, are only waking up now from a long lasting nightmare, and as still not given much chance for integration, express their frustration in different, and for the "local population" not so favorable ways, is only a balancing action in long-term history.

Then he, eyes open wide, only asked "Why is this all happening right now?". Which sounded yes, just the same as "Why me, blah-blah-blah...." So, I simply said that with global issues it makes sense that it takes some time before it all finds a way to any kind of even trying to find a way for a solution. And it won't necessarily be any better than the actions taken back when it all started. Such is life.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Uncover our heads and reveal our souls


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

< 3


Monday, August 15, 2016

Today is the last day that I'm using words

Jesus Christ saved me here, and support our church by donating so you get a free brochure there.

When I think about all the references in the Bible about people who use God's words and his son's name for their own benefit, I feel somewhat surprised that in this congregation I was a member of, and that others would prefer to call a sect since the number of those baptized there didn't reach for instance that of the Catholic church, they saw as one of the biggest problems things like how you express yourself, and how you live and experience your christianity.

I mean nearly everything was wrong, from how you looked, and your way of moving your head to the words you picked to tell something. As if being christian means serial products. You couldn't be tired, as if God himself wouldn't rest on the seventh day, only we're not him, are we. Or are we supposed to compare ourselves to him? Just a thought...

Anyhow, try to forget, I'll never explain again.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

I feel

in the middle of the day
cloud shadow covers the doorway
for a moment I thought it was you there
and believed the impossible

and every time I see a tree torn
I feel so endlessly sad
and they amaze me all the time
when I look at them grow tall and wide

and when I hear the crow cawing
I feel like singing with him
and the clouds, the mighty clouds,
belying gravity, they run through the heavy sky

social order

Why isn't our endless robotic computer job automatized? Don't you think it could have been done many decades ago, as some processes are actually running without or with very little human intervention?

Well, it's much easier to keep people under control this way, also by ways of turning us against each other. And do you think it's done by superintelligent machines, or even intelligent people? No, it's just a method that's been used for thousand and thousand of years.

Anyone who thinks socialism held people captive, giving them a job, a place to live, an just enough money from month to month, so they could survive, is blind to the very fact that the capitalistic system is basically the same, only with much worse social network and care. And as a matter of fact, no matter what you call it feudalism, slavery, in the end it's all the same - control.

I see it day by day how people push each other on the train, at the station, in a queue, or in jobs and other parts of life, only not in a physical way. And they could kill each other, as soon as they're told it was war-time, and they needed to save the country, basically themselves. No matter who the enemy was. I never thought Orwell wrote 1984 only about the world war, and the Sowiets.

We are killing each other every day, every way we can. Some of us are more clever at it, some still believe in the idea of live and let live...

Friday, August 12, 2016

The unmovable chair or an update on cultural differences

This has been long overdue, and on my mind ever since I started to work for multinational companies and met people from all over the world. Some of them are really nice, and some have surprising theories about what and why we here, in this country should or should not do. How come we are urged to learn their backgrounds, while they who have not grown up and lived here, so often tell us what and why is wrong here? Why is it that they don't even want to listen to us? Instead they tell us what's wrong with our attitude, or with the previous government we had. Guess, because it was a socialist party?

And then there is them who escaped from here. From what? What if everyone did so? Why we who stayed here, that is our parents and grandparents did so, cannot be ourselves? Surely, if you don't run away, then everything that happens where you are, will leave its mark on you. So did the same happen with them in other countries, so now they talk not only for themselves, but for those governments and that system. Why wouldn't I then if I find it true? Why should I change my mind?

It's always been them who 'had' to flee for some reason and then came back to visit or stay after the so-called change of system, who could surprise me most by telling how bad it's been here and how good it is now with no socialism and dictatorship. And if they think socialism effected our country so badly, why did they come back? Why do they never talk about how badly the nazis effected our nation, or to that, all people?

How could they know how it's been here? From news that represented the interests of countries that were not on this side of the iron curtain, the exact same half lies-half truths we heard here? They heard and they knew what they were told, and what they wanted to. Like all of us, true. However, mindless propaganda, superficial news and the like of it, they all come from the same source where those weapons, and if you fall for them without thinking then you reach the same effect as if you used those guns and bombs.

Some of my grandparents, like many of their generation were almost, or actually killed. Also many Jews who survived thought that it was best for them to move to Israel. But there they had to face new and almost constant wars. And at the same time be blamed again, like by the nazis for living, and now for fighting for their lives.

Because the terrorist groups who act as the government of some of their neighboring countries get weaponry from other superpowers as them. Because this endless, biggest money laundry is what politics is really about. You can't judge a nation by its government, though they are elected by them.

I wonder if in reflection of the Syrian war anyone thinks of whether those who make their own folks flee from there, are also responsible for bombing Israel together with similar organizations in Ghaza. Only you never hear that the Israelis should be saved, like it was a rare exception during World War 2. Instead they're held responsible for defending their people by an army that's put in front of the civilians, unlike those terrorists who use them as a living shield. But nobody talks about this in the news... Does anyone care?

It's always been easier to attack minorities. What's the chance they'll fight back? And if they do, they can still be held responsible for it. Reminds me of a court case where the owner of the apartment who attempted to defend himself against the thief that even attacked him, was sentenced for offending that. Could it be that the laws are wrong? And who writes them?
It's like a chair that you can't move, and it's the only place where you can sit. You are given only one chance, take it or not. You can't choose where you're born, your heritage, your genes.

My mother's father was a socialist or better to say communist in the true meaning of the word. He'd share everything with the other people in that little village, even though he had a huge family to support. Yet when the so-called revolution came in 1956 these people gave him up. Had not the Sowiets arrive the next mornig, he would have been executed with all members of his family. And yet afterwards he'd not given up or hurt anyone. He went on with his life, and helped when he could, anyone who asked for it.

My father's mother who survived the Holocaust, mentioned friendly Austrian soldiers who helped her and my father when they could escape from the death-camp, because the Sowiets were getting near, so the Germans left.

The very same thing has so many aspects, that in my opinion, no matter how much our country's heritage and our family marks the way we think and see things, we are first of all personalities, and so we choose ourselves how we think and how we communicate our thoughts.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

to be (in the way)

You can be in the way in many different ways beside simply standing in the doorway, and so blocking it.

For instance, you can pretend you're going somewhere in the middle of the crowd that's trying to reach the train. But instead you're just stepping around, thus not letting those behind you move on. This is actually a great way to get anyone out of their minds.

Then you can be in the way as the acting government that stole everything from those who'd voted for it, and continues to lie, cheat and steal, and also changes the laws so that it cannot be downvoted anymore.

But as a matter of fact, you can also feel that you're in the way, when you just don't seem to fit in, what's more, you don't even want to, because what you see is absolutely not what you want.

This was written on a sour day.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Don't be light

You open your eyes, and look up at a station on the tube,
wondering if you see daylight breaking on the wall
Then you realize it's just a lighter shade of concrete,
so you turn in again, as the train rumbles along

Thursday, August 4, 2016