Just felt lost in a building, or more precisely a lobby, while searching for the exit. Guess I also felt certain that I knew the way out. But instead of finding it, looked like I was on a higher floor, in a big open area. And while looking at the folks sitting on leather sofas amongst big plants, to ask them which way to go, felt kinda intruding. Though they were just talking in couples, they seemed to be pretty private by their expressions. Suddenly found myself in front of an office, opening from this lobby, hidden in a corner. The door open, and I was told by someone in there, that they were waiting for me. Or they might just ask if they could help. But the fact that I brought attention to myself, instead of getting out on my own, filled me with a sort of shrill, like being discovered where I shouldn't be.
When I woke up my heart was beating completely out of rhythm. Who knows, it might have been some noise waking me, though right then everything was still. I could see through an opening in the blinds that the sky was the gray just before dawning. I knew immediately that I had this kind of dream before. In a way the characters seemed to be familiar. Could be just the atmosphere. I remember I was wondering a lot why on earth would I feel so scared, just by being asked. Maybe I am afraid to ask for help about something, as a matter of fact.
Story Sample - The Castle (Sandman, The Kindly Ones, prologue)
Silver Screen - Dreamland (The X-files Season 6)
Song Selection - Madonna: Bedtime Story
Song Selection - Madonna: Bedtime Story
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