Sunday, September 11, 2011

'And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart...'

My father who is Jewish could only escape from the death camp in the last minute because the Nazi retreated when the Soviet army got closer. My mother's father along with his family was saved from the execution by extreme right wings because on that morning when it was due, the Soviet troops have arrived to his little village. His only sin was taking the idea of communism literally and trying to help everyone when he didn't have enough to give to his own family. Some people thanked him by turning him in for the dictatorship's slaves.

So I never believed in any of that crap stuff about the change of the system, as it only served the better of a few who were already rich as hell, no matter what country they were from, or whatever they called themselves. I believe in honesty, and I can see with bitterness that most people prefer to live their lives lying to themselves and everyone else around them. It might be a consequence of being brought up by folks who behave the same way, I don't know about that, fortunately.

What I don't see why it's always better to torture each other, and cause pain directly or indirectly. Sometimes it gets en gros, and then malevolence knows no limits, and needs no reasons. I wonder what's behind that uncontrolled hatred that makes mankind turn into their very own slaughterer. And it's not only a phenomenon of this past century, but has been there all throughout history.

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