Friday, April 15, 2016

How did I become a polar bear?

A few weeks ago I mentioned it to someone how much it made me afraid to have such warm weather this early in the year, and that I don't even dare to think about how it will be like in the summer. For which she only said that she loves warmth.

Then I told her that I'd got burned in the sun in the middle of February, while I was sitting outside for not more than a quarter of an hour. But she had an answer for that too, and told me that she had a light-skinned friend who exactly for that reason, starts to take sunbaths already at this time of the year.

I didn't want to go further into this, as my concern was not only problems that too strong radiation can cause, but in general the so-called global warming, and its everyday effects on our lives. Like when you see the acacia trees and lilacs in full bloom in the first half of April, and even the poplars spread their fluffy seeds that should actually happen in mid-summer...

Maybe it's only that I've got used to the temperate climate we used to have here in Middle-Eastern Europe, with real transitions between summer and winter, that makes me feel so uncomfortable these days. Though I can remember that I've always loved something in all four seasons, my favorites used to be spring and autumn. Times when you can feel some kind of a change, a proof that life goes on, and renews itself.

I remember, with a sense of nostalgy, those times when I could enjoy the sun and the summer heat at the end of July and in early August. Still, back then thirty degrees was the most, even at the height of summer. Nowadays, when we have summer temperature in the middle of the springtime, and as soon as the sun hides it sinks ten-fifteen degrees immediately, I just can't stand it anymore.

Well, we haven't had snow, and now I'm talking about real snow that stays on the ground for the whole winter, in a long long while. Instead, some kind of murky, in-between nothingness which leaves all the germs and bugs alive, and only gives us all months of flu and headache, and so on. But at least, you can get on more clothes if it gets real cold now and then. Unlike during months of heat waves and heat records, when you can only survive with air-conditioners or North of the Arctic cirle.

However it suits very well today's main-stream commercialist ideology - we want all of it and right now! Or we think that even if we cannot have everything, then at least, for our money, we deserve of what we can get the bigger, and faster and better. The question remains, how long it will be better for us like this?

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